Products provided by Kuwayama
As a general jewellery manufacturer, Kuwayama provides customers with products that can serve diverse needs by making full use of its technologies and craftsmanship fostered over many years.
Machine-Processed Chains
High reliability
Superior functionality -
Specially-Designed Chains
Exquisite chains with high originality woven by hand work of master craftspersons
CNC ring(forged)
Seamless and high-strength CNC rings, ideal for marriage rings.
Cast products (molding)
The casting production technique is adopted in most of the fashion jewellery today. It achieves dramatically greater design flexibility.
Stable supply capacity.
Reliable inspection system. -
"Japanese Pearl" is a world-renowned brand. Through the stable supply of a wide variety of pearls including Akoya Pearls, Kuwayama disseminates "pearl jewellery" unique to Japan.
High reliability
Superior functionality
At the time of its foundation, Kuwayama took notice of possibility of import liberalization of gold, and introduced automated chain-manufacturing equipment from Italy. As a result, Kuwayama became a pioneer in Japan that established industrialization of chain manufacturing which conventionally had been dependent on hand work of skilled craftspersons. Now Kuwayama retains an overwhelming share in the Japanese market, supported by its integrated production system capable of manufacturing not only products but also clasps, plates and other parts, while also operating manufacturing bases in China. In parallel to its persistent efforts to improve and refine standard chains, Kuwayama is also focusing on development of new chains to accommodate to the trend of the times.
Exquisite chains with high originality woven by hand work of master craftspersons
"Specially-designed chains" are handcrafted chains made by craftsmanship unique to Kuwayama. Kuwayama produces highly appealing designed chains by fully utilizing the technique to fit together various parts such as pressed parts, wire rods and cut balls, the technique to weave drape shapes, and more. Many works utilizing these techniques have received high recognition and evaluation in various jewellery contests both in Japan and overseas.
Seamless and high-strength CNC rings, ideal for marriage rings.
Marriage rings are required to have higher strength because they are worn every day. CNC rings are designed to meet this requirement by utilizing "work-hardening" of metals by applying pressure by metallic rolling.
The casting production technique is adopted in most of the fashion jewellery today. It achieves dramatically greater design flexibility.
If you find a jewellery with an elaborate design and complicated shape, in most cases it is a cast product. State-of-the-art technologies utilizing 3D have made it possible today to machine-manufacture delicate and exquisite designs that could only be made by hand work of craftspersons in the past.
ThailandBangkok Factory ChinaGuanzhou Factory JapanToyama Factory
Stable supply capacity.
Reliable inspection system.
Through its international network, Kuwayama maintains stable supply capacity by trading with suppliers who are in strict compliance with the rules to eliminate conflict diamonds, while also practicing detection of synthetic diamonds by using the most advanced equipment. Furthermore, Kuwayama rechecks the diamonds after they arrive in Japan, by using full automatic synthetic-diamond detection machines for small "melee"-size diamonds, and by trustable third-party appraisers for large "pointer" diamonds. In this way, Kuwayama maintains reliable inspection system to keep customers reassured.
"Japanese Pearl" is a world-renowned brand. Through the stable supply of a wide variety of pearls including Akoya Pearls, Kuwayama disseminates "pearl jewellery" unique to Japan.
Through its established partnership with Japan's leading pearl manufacturers, Kuwayama provides an extensive range of commercial products, including high-quality Akoya Pearls, South Sea Pearls and Black Pearls, covering various types, quality and price ranges to serve diverse needs of customers.